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Question / Answers

(231) Question:- Who were Chalee Muktey? When had they deserted the Guru? How did they realize their mistake and come back to the Guru with a view to sacrifice their lives for him?
Answer:- Most of the historians and the chronicles hold the view that when Anandpur fort was besieged in 1704, some of the Sikhs could not bear the hardships and starvation. They decided to leave the Guru and return to their homes. It is also stated that they gave a Bedawa (desertion letter) to the Guru stating therein that from that day neither were his Sikhs nor was he their Guru. When they reached their homes, they were severally criticised by their family such critical members for their act of desertion at the period of Guru's life. Their ladies, encouraged by Mai Bhago, a brave woman, scolded their husbands and chided them by saying that the men should wear bangles and the ladies will go to the battlefield for fighting for the noble cause of the Guru. The deserters' 1 their mistake and decided to return to the Guru's Camp Under the leadership of Mai Bhago.
In the meantime, the Guru had evacuated the fort at Anandpur and traveled the west of Punjab. The 40 Sikhs inquired about the whereabouts of Guru's camp and traveled in that direction. As they were approaching the Guru's camp, they were confronted with the remnants of the Mughal Army. All of them, except Mai Bhago, became martyrs in the ensuing battle, which took place near Khidrana Dhab on 29th December 1705. The Guru then blessed them and approached Maahan Singh, who was still alive. When the Guru accepted his request to tear off the Desertion Letter, he along with his companions were blessed as Muktas.
Some of the Researchers of history have expressed a different opinion regarding the period and place of desertion by the concerned 40 persons. They are of the view that the desertion did not take place at Anandpur, but at a later stage. Even the number of Muktas has been differently given by such writers as Kesar Singh Chhiber and Kuir Singh. Sometimes, the martyrs at Charnkor are also considered as Muktas. Thus considerable research is required to be made to get at the truth on various aspects of the matter.
(232) Question:- Which place was visited by the Guru after the battle of Khidrana. What important events took place there?
Answer:- After crossing the Lakhi forest, Guru Ji reached Talwandi Sabo on 20th Jan. 1706. This place is about 17 miles from Bhatinda and is now called Damdama Sahib because the Guru had stayed there for about 9 months, which was a long resting period after the strenuous journey from Anandpur to this place. Guru availed of this period by imparting missionary training to his followers and by providing a stimulus to the literary activity. As the descendants of Dhir Mal had declined to provide the original Adi Granth to the Guru, Guru Ji got prepared a new copy of the Adi Granth by Bhai Mani Singh. In this recension, Guru Ji included the compositions of his father, Guru Tegh Bahadur. He also composed more sacred poetry. Further, he sent a number of Sikhs to Banaras to acquire Sanskrit learning. Many Scholars rallied around this place and produced literature. It is because of these factors that the place came to be known as Guru Kashi. It is now one of the Five Takhts of the Sikhs.
(233) Question:- Describe the period spent by the Guru after leaving Talwandi Sabo.
Answer:- It is believed in a Sikh tradition that on receipt of Zafarnamah, Emperor Aurangzeb was highly impressed, and became eager to see the Guru, It is also on records that the Emperor wrote to his Governor at Lahore to make suitable arrangements for the Guru's journey to Deccan as to enable him to meet Guru. However, when the Guru came to know of the emperor's desire for a meeting, he himself decided to move to Deccan. The Guru was on his way to Deccan when at Bagaur in Rajasthan, he got the news of the death of the emperor. Thus, a meeting between the emperor and Guru Ji could not take place. The Guru then proceeded towards Delhi. A battle of succession between the sons of the emperor had already started. The Prince Muazzam, being liberal-minded, had requested the Guru for helping him in the said battle. The Guru accepted the request and sent some of his persons for the help of the Prince. The prince scored a victory at Jaju on 8th June 1707 with the help of the Guru's soldiers. The prince Muazzam then became emperor Bahadur Shah and as a token of gratitude to the Guru, he invited him to Agra. A meeting between the Guru and the emperor took place at Agra on 23rd July 1707. The emperor then requested the Guru to accompany him towards Deccan where the emperor was to go to suppress the rebellion raised by one of his brothers Kaam Bakash. Guru told the emperor that he will go to Deccan, but not along with the emperor, but independently. Guru's main aim was to propagate the teachings of the Masters in those areas and for that purpose also maintain peaceful relations with the emperor.
(234) Question:- Did Guru Ji go to Deccan? What were the main incidents happening in his life thereafter?
Answer:- With the purpose of religious propagation, the guru went to Deccan by a different route than that of the emperor. He finally camped on the river of Godavari at a place called Nander. The emperor camping at some nearby place. He had already defeated his brother Kaam Baksh and secured his title to the throne. Since the Guru was maintaining good relation with the emperor. he had put up a demand to the emperor to award a suitable punishment to Wazir Khan of Sirhind. However, the emperor kept putting him off being reluctant to take action against a high Officer of his empire. The Guru was thus determined to continue his spiritual fight against tyrants like Wazir Khan. Thus, he selected a holy and brave person, Bairagi Madho Dass, and baptised him as a Sikh who was given the name of Gurbux Singh. As the Guru had seen in him a great spiritual insight, he resolved to turn this medicant into a hero so that he could fulfill Guru's mission. The Guru roused in him the sleeping indignation at the tyranny of the Mughals, and when the remarkable disciple came to know of the murder of the innocent children of the Guru, he declared to the Guru that henceforth he was his "Banda" (Slave). Hereafter, this hero of the Sikh history came to be known as Banda Bahadur because of his heroic exploits against all those who had been instrumental in committing atrocities over the Sikhs including Wazir Khan Suba of Sirhind and the tormentors of Peer Budhu Shah of Sadaura. Banda established the first Sikh empire in Punjab.
(235) Question:- Describe the meeting of the Guru with Banda Bahadur. Was Banda Bahadur able to fulfill Guru's mission?
Answer:- Banda Bahadur, originally from Kashmir, was a soft-minded person from his very childhood. It is said that once while hunting a deer, when he came to know the death of a doe which she deer was carrying, he was so upset that he left his home to become an ascetic. After learning yogic practices, he had settled at the left bank river Godawari at Nander. It was at this place that he had an encounter with the guru on 3rd September 1708. Banda was highly impressed by the Guru gave him the title of Bahadur and his five arrows and other weapons. The Guru imparted to him. his spiritual power and directed him to move towards Punjab. The Guru had also given him a Hukamnama, whereby all the Sikhs in Punjab were required to support him and fight under his command. Banda then went on winning victories and seizing territory after territory. A large number of Sikhs joined him in his mission. Punishments were awarded by the Sikh forces to all such tyrants who had committed atrocities on them. Such punished persons included Wazir Khan, the tyrannical Nawab of Sirhind. It was for the first time that a Sikh rule was established covering considerable areas of Punjab. Banda abolished the Zimdaari system and made the tillers and the farmers the owners of their land. This step made him a popular administrator. However, his victories and increasing influence made him Number One enemy of the Mughal empire. The emperors, therefore, made frantic efforts through their armies to capture him. Ultimately, it was during the period of Ferrukh-siyar, the successor of Bahadur Shah that Banda was captured and brought to Delhi. The story of the capture of the Banda and bringing him to Delhi speaks volumes for his valour patience and faith in his Master. The killing of thousands of Sikhs before him at Delhi also could not shake him from his faith. When he did not agree to become a Muslim and, refused to renounce his faith, his four years old son, Ajay Singh, was hacked to pieces before his eyes. Nothing could move Banda, who was ultimately subjected to severest of the tortures leading to his death on 9th June 1716. The great martyr was highly successful in his mission as he had aroused a feeling of bravery among the Sikhs and had guided them to establish their empire. The success of the Guru's mission through Banda Bahadur is evident from the fact that within a few years of Banda's death, the Mughal Empire crumbled to pieces. Even the foreign invaders like Ahmad Shah Abdali and Nadir Shah had to acknowledge the bravery of the Sikhs. 
(236) Question:- What were the other important works done by the Guru at Nander Before departing from the world?
Answer:- Before leaving this world, Guru Gobind Singh issued certain commandments with a view to strengthen the faith and to provide a discipline to it. His most important command was that there would be no more Gurus in the human form. The Guru's spirit would henceforth reside in the Khalsa, i.e. the congregation of devoted Sikhs seeking earnestly the Guru's guidance. For the purpose of guidance, the Guru took a very significant decision, the like of which was never taken by any religious preacher or leader, and that was the installation of the Adi¬Granth as his successor. It was ordered that the Holy Book would henceforth not be treated as a book but be revered and worshipped as the Guru in spirit. Regarding the ceremony to install the Sacred Book as the Guru, we come to know from Bhatt Vahee Talauda Parganab jind that the Gum asked Bhai Daya Singh to bring the Sacred Volume. When Daya Singh brought the Holy Book, the Guru placed before it five Pia and a coconut and bowed his head before it. The Sikhs were ordered to accept the Adi Granth as the Guru thereafter. The Guru that he will always be there where the Adi Grand' is present along with had made it clear that he will always be there where the Adi granth is present along with five Sikh discipline like non-observance of caste distinctions, helping lowly and downtrodden, fighting the injustice and tyranny, leading a pure life and worshipping none else but the eternal God called Akal Purakh. Thus, after completing his tasks accordingly, the Guru passed away on kattak sudi 5, 1765 BK/7th October 1708.
(237) Question:- What was the cause of Guru's death? Briefly describe the incidents leading to it.
Answer:- Nawab Wazir Khan of Sirhind became worried when the emperor's relations with the Guru improved. Their marching towards the South made him jealous and he charged two of his trusted men with murdering the Guru to prevent the strengthening of friendship between the Guru and the emperor. He was afraid that their intimacy may result into harm to him. Two Pathans engaged by him for killing the  Guru were named Jamshed Khan and Wasil Beg. Guru at Nander was receiving men and gifts of horses and arms from his followers in Punjab. The dealers of horses were mainly Pathans and they visited the Guru often. These two Pathans also visited the Guru under the guise of horse dealers and posed as his devotees. As per Senapati's account in Sri Gur Sobha one of these Pathans stabbed the Guru in the left side below the heart when the Guru was lying resting before Rehras prayer. Before the assassin could deal another blow, the Guru struck him down with his sabre. His accomplice was also caught by the Sikhs while he was fleeing and was killed.
It is said that the emperor Bahadur Shah, when he heard the news about the attack on the Guru, sent surgeons including an English man, Cole by name to attend on the Guru. The wound was stitched and was pull healing quickly. However, one day the Guru applied strength to the stiff bow, which reopened the wound and there was profuse bleeding. This worsened his condition as a result of which he passed away on kattak sudi 5, 1765 BIC/ 7th October 1708. Although, there is a tradition current among the Sikhs that he ascended to heaven in full armor riding on his blue horse, the same cannot be believed in view of the events in his life and teachings of the Guru. He was cremated on a pyre made of Sandal Wood, and it is at that site that now stands Takhat Sachkhand reverently known as Hazoor Sahib.
(238) Question:- Who were the persons present at the time of Guru's leaving the world? Where were his wives at that time?
Answer:- One of Guru Ji's wives Mata Jeeto Ji was not alive during, the last phase of Guru's life. Mata Sahib Devan had accompanied him to Nander, which is evidenced by a Gurudwara named Mata Sahib. she used to supervise the Langar at this place. Two of his beloveds Bhai Daya Singh and Bhai Dharam Singh were with him at Nander. The tradition records that sometime before his death, the Guru sent his wife Mata Sahib Devan along with Bhai Mani Singh to Delhi at which place Mata Sundari Ji, Guru's another wife was already staying.
Apart from these prominent persons, there were about three hundred soldiers along with the Guru at the time of his death. Most of these persons including the two beloveds left Nander after the cremation of the Guru.
(239) Question:- Give information regarding the stay of the two Matas (wives of the Guru) at Delhi. Did they play any role in the Sikh affairs after the death of their husband?
Answer:- Mata Sundari and Mata Sahib Devan had been escorted to Delhi after their evacuation of Anandpur on the night of 5-6 December 1705, Mata Sundri rejoined the Guru in 1706 at Talwandi Sabo where she heard the news of the martyrdom of her son Sahibzada, Ajit Singh, and also that of other Sahibzadas. She also came to know about the death of her mother-in-law, Mata Gujri. After some time, she went back to Delhi. After the passing away of Guru Gobind Singh at Nander, the Sikhs looked up to her for guidance. When a dispute arose between bandai Sikhs and other Sikhs (Two sects of the Sikhs), she got it sorted out by sending Bhai Mani Singh for managing the affairs at Amritsar. She was also instrumental in persuading Bhai Mani Singh to collect the writings of the Tenth Master. The important role which she played in the affairs before her death in 1747 is also evidenced by the Hukamnamas to sangats as issued by her own seal and authority between the period 12th October 1717 to 10th August 1730.
Mata Sahib Devan, who was blessed by Guru Gobind Singh, as the mother of the Khalsa, was also along with Mata Sundari Ji at Delhi and later on at Talwandi Sabo. She had also come back to Delhi along with Mata Sundari Ji. However, when Guru Ji was moving towards Deccan, and because of the death of Aurangzeb, he had changed his route and went to Agra via Delhi, Mata Sahib Devan accompanied the Guru up to Nander. Shortly before his assassination, she was persuaded to return to Delhi and stay with Mata Sundari. It is significant to mention that when she was sent to Delhi, she carried with her five weapons, stated to be' originally belonging to the 6th Guru. She also played an important role along with Mata Sundari Ji in strengthening the Community. There are certain Hukamnamas available that were issued to the Sangats in her name. These Hukamnamas bear dates between 1726 and 1734. The memorials in honor of the two Matas exist side by side in the premises of Gurdwara Bala Sahib, New Delhi. The weapons believed to have been brought by her from Nander are preserved as sacred relics in Gurdwara Rakabganj at Delhi.
(240) Question:- Briefly introduce the poetic compositions composed by the 10th Guru.
Answer:- Guru Gobind Singh was not only a brave soldier and an able General and Administrator but also a great poet. Whenever he got some peaceful time in his life, he devoted it to the study and creation of literature. He also patronized a large number of persons who were fond of reading and writing. It is believed that many of his compositions and that of others patronized by him were destroyed while crossing river Sarsa after their evacuation of Anandpur in December 1705. After that, Guru again got an opportunity to devote some period to compose his poetic compositions and provide patronage to others at Talwandi sabo. However, all the manuscripts from his own pen and from that of all the poets patronized by him could not be collected during his lifetime. It was only after the Guru passed away that his wives directed Bhai Mani Singh to perform this task. Bhai Mani Singh spent years tracing and collecting whatever could be salvaged or whatever could compile a Granth which came to be known as Dasam Granth. The second recension of Dasam Granth was prepared by Baba Deep Singh, Chief of the Shahid clan at Damdama Sahib. Another recension was got prepared by Bhai Sukha Singh, an official at Takht Shri Patna Sahib. Thereafter, a number of copies were made. Some of them, being copies of the copies, and production of a large number of recensions led to certain textual variations. Later on, the Khalsa Dewan at Amritsar collected all such copies from different places and after studying, got prepared the current recession, which was first published by Wazir Hind Press, Amritsar in October 1902.
The current recension of the Dasam Granth has 1428 pages and includes 16 main compositions written in 17100 Chhands. There are certain compositions about which it is doubtful as whether the same were Composed by the Guru or not. The prominent compositions, which are definitely believed to be penned by the Tenth Guru include Jaap Sahib, Akal. Ustat, Bachitar Natak, Chandi Chritar, Shastar Mala Khalsa Mahima, Shabad Hazare, 33 Swayyas, and Chaupai Sahib is also a part of Rahraas, which is the evening prayer of the Sikhs.