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Question / Answers

(21) Question:- What is meant by Udaasi, how many Udasies were undertaken by the Guru?
Answer:- Although, the word Udaasi means detachment from the world, and is also the name of an ascetical sect which follow, this type of ideology. In Sikh religion, the term is used for journeys Undertaken by Guru Nanak for spreading his message. Guru Ji undertook four Udaasies in four directions. Although, it is difficult to establish an exact itinerary of Guru's travels and also to mention the definite years regarding his visit to various places, whatever is commonly accepted will find a mention at appropriate places.
(22) Question:- Which were the places visited by Guru Nanak in the course of his first Udaasi?
Answer:- Guru Ji started his first Udaasi in Samat 1554 and finished the same in Samat 1565. It was a journey towards North-East and in the course of which Guru Ji covered such places as Lahore, Multan, PakPattan, Kurukshetra, Karnal, Panipat, Haridwar, Delhi, Mathura, Banaras, Patna, Budh Gaya, Assam, and Orissa. While coming back to Sultanpur, Guru Ji came via Agra. In the second limb of this journey, Guru Ji went again to Lahore, Deepal Pur, Pak Pattan, Kiratpur, and Sialkot. While coming back from Lahore, Guru Ji took rest at a place called Pakho Key Randhave, on the bank of River Ravi and when he was sitting under an Oak Tree, the Chaudhary of the village Ajita Randhawa came to see him. He requested the Guru that he should make himself comfortable across the river Ravi on the right-hand side, at which place a resting place viz. Dharamshala and residential accommodation was arranged for him. Guru Ji liked the place and decided to settle down there. He brought his parents from Talwandi, his wife, and son from Sultanpur and the family started living there. His stay led to the foundation of a new city, which later on, came to be known as Kartarpur (now in Pakistan). Some important events associated with the First Udaasi of Guru Nanak will be discussed in the subsequent Question- Answers.
(23) Question:- Where is Saidpur? Which Baani was recited by Guru Nanak during his visit to this place in the course of his first Udasi?
Answer:- Saidpur is a place in Gujjranwala district presently called Amenabaad in Pakistan. Guru Ji was at this place when Babar invaded the country. Guru Ji felt strongly against the atrocities committed by Babar and his forces. He criticized him for the same and also expressed his anguish against God, Who did not feel pain when the poor & week suffered and shrieked in agony. He gave a vent to his feelings in a well known composition at this place. This composition consisting of four Hymns is known as Baabar Vaani. Three of these hymns are in Raag Aasa on page 360.417-18 and the fourth is in Raag Tilang on pages 722-23 of Guru Granth Sahib.
(24) Question:- Who was Bhai Laalo? Where did he reside? Describe Guru Nanak's meeting with Bhai Laalo?
Answer:- Bhai Laalo, a carpenter, was first follower of Guru Nanak and was living at Saidpur (presently known as Eminabaad). He had so much devotion for the Guru that when Guru Ji went to Saidpur, he stayed with him for about a month. Guru Ji used to take food with him at his residence. In his Baabar Vaani, as referred to above, the Guru addressed one of the hymns to Bhai Laalo only. One day, a rich person, Malik Bhaago invited him for sharing food with him. Guru Ji did not go to him. Malik Bhaago did not like Guru's refusal and asked him the reason. The Guru stated that Malik Bhaago had not earned his living by fair means, but had extracted from the blood of the poor i.e. by torturing them. He Proved his assertion by taking Laalo's coarse bread in his right hand and Malik Bhaago's dainty bread in his left hand. When he squeezed his hands, from Lalo's bread came out the milk, whereas from Malik Bhaago's bread came out blood. Malik Bhaago understood Guru's message and abandoned his ego as to tread the path of righteousness.
(25) Question:- What is meant by a Dharmsaal? When and where was the first Dharmsaal established by Guru Nanak?
Answer:- Dharmsaal means a place where some religious work is done. The word derived from Sanskrit originally meant a place where travelers were provided food and shelter in the course of their travels. In Punjabi, the term Dharmsaal has also been used for a place of worship or the village hospice. In Sikh theology, Dharmsaal has been a precursor of Gurudwara. We come to know from Bhai Gurdas that wherever the Guru went, Dharmsaals were established. The Guru enjoined his followers to build or set apart a place where they could meet regularly to sing the praises of God. Thus, in the wake of Guru Nanak's extensive travels, Dharmsaals grew up at various places covered by his itinerary. His followers used to assemble there for remembrance of God and singing hymns of the Guru. Collectively, they used to be called Sangats. The earlier activities of serving the travelers also continued to be followed in these Dharmsaals. It was, later on, during the period of Guru Hargobind that there started a practice of installing of the holy book in the said Dharmsaals and thereafter these places came to be called Gurudwaras. Guru Nanak established the first Dharmsaal at Bhai Lalo's place and after that a number of Dharmsaals were established by him. After finishing his travels, when Guru settled at Kartarpur, he himself ran a Dharmsaal there.
(26) Question:- Who was Sajjan Thug, where did he live and how did Guru Nanak show him the path of salvation?
Answer:- Sajjan Thug used to live at village Tulumbe in District Multan. Although, he had made arrangements for the travellers as to provide them food and shelter, his actual task was to deprive them of their possessions. When Guru Ji along with Mardana went to his place for spending a night, Sajjan took them as rich persons and with the hope of earning a huge profit served them well. When the night dawned, Sajjan waited for his guests to sleep. The Guru started singing a hymn wherein Sajjan was apprised of the reality and the consequences which will follow his actions. On hearing this warning and heart searching hymn. he realised the truth and fell at the feet of the Guru. The Guru then preached him to serve the people in the right earnest and make noble earning instead of looting the people. Sajjan obeyed the Master and became his follower.
(27) Question:- Give a brief description of the visit of the Guru to Kurukshetra and Haridwar.
Answer:- Kurukshetra is a place in the present State of Haryana in India. Till today, there is a fair at this place on the occasion of a solar eclipse. On one such occasion, Guru Ji reached there. For the purpose of refreshment, he started cooking meat. .The people present objected as the use of flesh on such an occasion was considered as a taboo. The Hindus rather believed that nothing should be eaten at the time of the eclipse. Even no fire could be lit for the purpose of cooking. Guru Ji wanted to remove their superstitions. He explained to them that such superstitions did not take them on the path of real religion. Some people consider the hymns composed by Guru Nanak at that time as his approval for eating flesh. However, Guru Ji's object was not to dwell upon the subject of eating or not eating the flesh. He only wanted to convince the people that those persons who were considering the eating of the flesh of an animal as a taboo were on the other hand engaged in commiting atrocities on their fellow beings and were looting them. Thus, this type of attitude was merely hypocritical. The truly religious person did not hurt any one rather than believing in any such superstitions. Similarly, in the course of journey to Haridwar, the Guru saw that the people were throwing water towards the East. The Guru, in pursuance of his mission, began to throw water towards the West. When the people saw him, they gathered around him and enquired in their astonishment as what was he doing? When the Guru told them that he was throwing water to his fields at Kartarpur, the people replied as how could the water reach Kartarpur which was far .away from there. The Guru then asked them that it their water could reach the sun or their ancestral as they used to believe. why could his water not reach Kartarpur. what Was far nearer than the sun. -this dramatic method of the preaching of the Guru was quite effective.
(28) Question:- Explain Guru Nanak's method of preaching?
Answer:- For spreading the message of true religion implying these by universal brotherhood and oneness of God. the Guru chose to travel far and wide despite the fact that there were poor means of conveyance at that nine. Guru ji wanted to convince the people of the true concepts and rid them of formalities. rituals, superstitions and outward pretensions. He did certain actions for explaining his views. Such actions on his part, at Haridwar and Kurukshetra. as mentioned above, clearly show his method of preaching. Whereas. he visited the religious places of Hindus, Muslims and Budhists and had discourses and discussions with their spiritual leaders and dispelled their doubts and mistaken beliefs, he also redeemed the decoits. the murderers, the hypocrites and showed them the path of salvation. One significant feature of his method of preaching was the singing of hymns. When he sang: in praise of God, the people were so impressed that they felt attuned to God. Guru's spiritual personality and the devotional singing cast a spell on the people. It was this effective method of his preaching that a large number of persons became his followers and Dharamsaals came into being at different places. In commemoration of all such events, there are Gurdwaras today in every nook and corner of the country.
(29) Question:- Describe Guru Nanak's discourse with the Yogis at Gorakh Matta?
Answer:- Mystic Gorakh Naath and his disciples used to live at a place in Distt. Pilibhit, which came to be called after his name as Gorakh Matta. When Guru Ji reached there, he met a number of persons following this sect and explained to them as how a person could become a true Yogi. The following hymn is stated to have been composed at that time as to explain that for becoming a true Yogi, no specific dress was required nor any symbol as wearing of ear rings etc. were required. It was also not necessary to smear ashes over the body. The true Yogi was that who remained pure living amidst the impurities of the world. The spiritual words of the Guru in this regard as enshrined on page 730 of Guru Granth Sahib read as under :-
ਜੋਗੁ ਨ ਖਿੰਥਾ ਜੋਗੁ ਨ ਡੰਡੈ ਜੋਗੁ ਨ ਭਸਮ ਚੜਾਈਐ ॥
ਜੋਗੁ ਨ ਮੁੰਦੀ ਮੂੰਡਿ ਮੁਡਾਇਐ ਜੋਗੁ ਨ ਸਿੰਙੀ ਵਾਈਐ ॥
ਅੰਜਨ ਮਾਹਿ ਨਿਰੰਜਨਿ ਰਹੀਐ ਜੋਗ ਜੁਗਤਿ ਇਵ ਪਾਈਐ ॥1॥
ਗਲੀ ਜੋਗੁ ਨ ਹੋਈ ॥
ਏਕ ਦ੍ਰਿਸਟਿ ਕਰਿ ਸਮਸਰਿ ਜਾਣੈ ਜੋਗੀ ਕਹੀਐ ਸੋਈ ॥1॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥ (ਅੰਗ 730)
Jog na Khintha jog na dandai jog na bhasam charaaee-ai
Jog na mundi moond muddaaiai jog na singi vaaee-ai.
Anjan maahe niranjan rahiai jog jugat iv paaee-ai.
Gali jog na ho-ee.
Ek drisat kar samsar laanai jogi kahee-ai so-ee .1. Rahaao.
Asceticism does not lie in the robes, nor in staff
Nor in ashes smearing over the body.
Asceticism does not lie in the earrings, nor in shaven head, nor in blowing horns.
Asceticism only lies in remaining pure amid impurities.
Asceticism does not lie in tall talks.
He is a real ascetic who treats everyone alike.
(30) Question:- Give information about the places known as Nanak Matta & Meetha Reetha ?
Answer:- The place named Gorakh Matta, as referred to in the above question. After the visit of Guru Nanak. Came to be called as Nanak Matta is organised. About 45 kills. North-West of Nanak Matta, there is a Place called Mitha Ritha. As per the tradition, Guru Nanak is stated to have an encounter there with the Naath Yogis, who were shown the path of remembrance of God and service to the humanity. As per the story prevalent in the tradition, Mardana had felt hungry and he wanted to eat some thing. There was one Ritha Tree (soap-nut tree). When Guru Nanak told Mardana to e-at Rithaas, Mardana found them very sweet instead of their being bitter as was the case normally. There is still one Ritha Tree at this place and the pilgrims are given its Rithaas (sweet nuts) as Parsaad.